Well, a bitch of a storm named Rita kept me busy for yet another weekend. Come Friday, I'll have worked 31 out of 33 days. I don't think that's healthy, but that's the job, so I really shouldn't complain.
Hopefully, there won't be another hurricane any time soon and I can actually get this tournament started! So far we have 8 confirmed teams:
1) Heather/CJ
2) Drizz/BG
3) Matt from Austin/Megan from Austin (Readers and ringers?)
4) The Donkey Feltchers: Maudie/Daddy
5) GRob/Uncle Ted from G-Vegas
6) Jim/Bob from Detroit (Reader)
7) Patrick/Danny (Reader)
8) Lefty/Jason (Ringer)
If you want to get on board and need a partner, check the comments on this post. Then email me with your partner at Euchre -@- upforanything.net.
For complete rules, see below:
1) Initial tournament will be restricted to 16 teams (32 players) or just 8 teams if that's all we can round up.
2) Teams will sign up as pairs, and to sign up, you email me at Euchre -@- UpForAnything.net. If you do not have a partner, and wish to play, drop your name in the comments and find one that way. You CAN NOT sign up as a team through the comments. You must email me.
3) All games will be played on Yahoo! Games.
4) Initial rounds will be best of 3 games, semi-finals will be best of 5 games and finals will be best of 7 games.
5) Once the tournament kicks off, teams will have one week to finish their round. Results can be posted in comments here or emailed to me at the address above.
6) There is no prize beyond pride in knowing who the best team is. If teams wish to wager amongst themselves, that's their choice.
7) All decisions of the Touranment Commissioner (me) are final.